Wednesday, January 7, 2009


What an awesome game....first half it looked liked they forgot to come, but second half, McCoy got in his stride.........and we won!

Things were wild around here yesterday.  Roy found a sick baby goat the night before and I had her in a play pen  in the kitchen. In the morning it was obvious she was in pain, so we had to put her to sleep.  It never stops hurting us .

A little later we discovered that the freeze door we thought had been left open wasn't our problem.  The freezer went out and everything in it was spoiled.  Poor Roy, he spent hours cleaning the freezer and the garage floor. BUT....before he could clean the garage floor, he had to move my car and it would not start. My car has no key, just a small gadget that starts the car and the battery in it had gone out.  So off we went 40+miles one way to the nearest Toyota dealer to get this special

When we arrived home, the Fed Ex truck and the UPS truck were both at our gate, which is electric, writing those little tags that say they were here....we were not. I got a new printer and books and Roy got books and a new mask for his now we have stuff all over the house.

Now I have to start cooking for Bunko today....Wow

Now it is 2:43, I have strange sleep habits and the stew is cooked, the corn bread muffins are made, the cake is ready and so is the tea.  All that is left is the Banana pudding dessert and the pineapple salad and I thought I might do some bananas,apples and oranges dipped in chocolate. The only left is for me to dress and haul all this stuff to the lake house.  Roy goes back to work this morn, so no help there.

Just think...I have another Bunko group next Tuesday at the lake house.........WOW

The greatest thing about blogs, besides making new friends, is that you can sit down and type your heart out and the other people can say ...glad that wasn't my day, but sorry it was hers.

Hope all of you are well and things are going great at your house.




  1. Barbara, Just got home from your house playing bunko and wanted you to know what a great group we have and you are a wonderful hostess, The food was delicious and I was lucky enough to win a gift for most losses! I got the 2009 Texas Atlas and the very inspiring 2009 'Country Living' calendar book. I just read your blog from current posting to the beginning and you have such talent, are creative and caring. I am proud to call you my friend. See you next week for more fun at the next bunko! Sharon from Buffalo

  2. Sorry to hear about your baby goat and your freezer!

    Thank you for coming by and leaving me a nice comment about my "red" items and our trip to Florida. Sorry that I got you excited about the round know, I was at another TJ MAXX store called TJ MAXX and More and they had a lot of furniture, so maybe it isn't out of the question! Good luck on your search.

  3. HELLO to my friends out there i am testifying about the good work of a man who help me it has been hell from the day my husband left me i am a woman with two kids my problem stated when the father of my kids travel i never help he was living but as at two weeks i did not set my eye on my husband i try calling but he was not taken my call some week he call me telling me that he has found love some where easy at first i never take to be serous but day after he came to the house to pick his things that was the time i notice that things is going bad i help he will come back but things was going bad day by day i needed to talk to someone about it so i went to his friend but there was no help so i give it up on him month later i met on the the internet a spell caster i never believe on this but i needed my men back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it for doing sake but after three day my husband called me telling me that he his coming home i still do not believe but as at the six day the father to my kids came to the house asking me to for give him the spell work to said to my self from that day i was happy with my family thanks to the esango priest of (abamieghe)esango priest he his a great man you need to try him you can as well to tell him your problem so that he can be of help to you his content email is this indeed you are a priest thank you for making my home a happy home again. remember his email is

  4. Hello,everyone i am from USA i never ever believed in spell until i meet a man called Dr laco, who help me cast a spell that bring back my ex-lover who left me for two years before our marriage,His spells works beyond my imaginations and today i am happily married with two kids and me and my [ex-lover] now husband are very happy more than ever before,what more can i say rather than to say thank you Dr laco for been there for me,contact him today and your life will never ever remain the same his email is
