Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The Sarandos and the Hilbrichs headed to Calvert at 8:00 a.m. full of enthusiasm , even though it was or had been pouring down rain earlier that morning.  We were determined to have a fun day.

We arrived in Calvert about 9:15 to see that they are definitely not ready even though it starts at 10:00, so we go to the only cafe open and have breakfast. 

Now it is a few minutes before 10:00 and we finally found the lady selling tickets, but she had no ( and I mean NO change) so Sharon had to buy the tickets for us.  I wish I could show you the map they gave us to find these homes,,,,,,,,,,,ohhhhhhh.   There were 7 homes and 2 buildings listed.

One store was open, so we stopped in and wow what a treat…..Common Scents owned by a wonderful lady named Candy.  She made beautiful jewelry and had some wonderful candles, but the best part was she and her husband lived in the back of their shop, which was an old building and she took us through her house……….you will never see anything like this, it was wonderful and she is sure talented.  Hope the pictures do justice to it.





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shhhh…Ernie doesn’t know he is in this picture.

I know there are a lot of pictures, but I hope you will take the time to enlarge them and see her talent.  There are no walls except the bathroom and there is a margarita room/porch on the back  with an bathroom and a huge shower.

Please if you go through Calvert, stop and see this great lady.

Well we finally found our first house and the lady thought the tour started at 1:00 pm, so she wasn’t ready……sorry but she would never have been ready and she also had a Bed &  Breakfast around the corner, but sorry to say …well you get the picture.

The third house listed was never found and we understood later was not open.

The fourth Home was a Dream and it was for sale and if Roy had even hinted we might buy it, it would be mine today. My pictures are poor, but take me word for it, it was perfect and could have been my B & B I always wanted.








It really wasn’t fair to show you these pictures, because they are so bad, but there wasn’t anything I would have changed.  It was gorgeous.

We then visited an old house undergoing restoration.

Visited the Calvert Inn, which is no longer a bed and breakfast.

By now our fellows are getting tired and hungry, so we drive back to the main street in search of food and drink.

We visited a few shop and my wonderful husband bought me the most beautiful piece of jewelry ( which I will post next Blue Monday).

Calvert has no restaurants that serve any kind of drinks other than tea, water or sodas.

So off we went to Hearne to a new Mexican Restaurant for a margarita……well they had not gotten their liquor license, so they only sold beer, which Ernie and I didn’t drink.

We headed back home with many mixed emotions……to be real honest Calvert was not organized for this Showcase, which could have been a great thing.  I will say that we were well treated by the people and I will go back……They have a big Tea Party in the Fall, so we will try again.  There are many beautiful old houses and it is a quaint little town. 

If you ever stop there be sure and visit Candy at Common Scents and tell her we said hello.

BUT…the Sarandos and the Hilbrichs got better acquainted and I know Roy and I loved spending the day with them and hope to go somewhere together one day soon.  We enjoyed each other, hope they did too.

Love you all,



  1. How fun! I love tours like that. The candle lady's house is interesting. It reminds me something out of a book!

  2. I use to like to go to the home tour in Farmers Branch when I lived there... It was put on by the Junior Leaque and they always did a wonderful job.. the night before the tour started, they would invite personal friends to take the tour, and make sure all the homes were ready... If you weren't ready, you were marked off the list and never got another chance... teehee... I don't remember anyone every being marked off!

    Sounds like they need a few Junior Leaguers in Calvert.

  3. well you had quite an adventure anyway

  4. What a fun day...despite the weather! Thanks for sharing the cool pics!!

    Have a great day....


  5. Oh dear...that home tour didn't sound very well organized. I can't help but wonder how big the town is? We're headed to the Galveston Home Tour this weekend. If you ever get a chance you should go, and poor Galveston could really use the tourist dollars this year. Did you hear about the trees in Galveston? 100 year old Live Oaks are probably dead from the salt water during the storm surge. They were hoping they'd start showing signs of life, but nothing has happened. Thanks for visiting my blog. I wish the poor possum story had a happy ending. I sometimes fall behind reading comments, but eventually catch up.

  6. The candle lady's house was worth the trip to Calvert and it wasn't even on the list! I truly enjoyed that and picked up a few ideas. I think I'm going up there to beg a tour myself! Good job!

    The Texas Woman

  7. That candle lady's house has so many interesting items to look at!! Looking forward to seeing your new piece of jewelry...

  8. Barbara, Ernie said because of his picture on your blog-Hollywood has not stopped calling for him to be in the next 'Godfather' movie! Great, great fun with both of ya'll!!!
