Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Time for an Update on my Three Babies


Can you believe Booger Red and Termite were 2 months old on the 21st. and Sandy was 1 month old on the 20th.  I am trying to wean Red and Termite.  Their milk is getting weaker and soon their bottles will be filled with water.  Sandy is still a little young, so I will continue to feed her for another month.

They still have a tendency to stay together but by themselves.  So I spend a lot of time walking them around the pasture to find the other goats and then have to sneak off to get them to stay.  Can’t you just picture that!

The true test of acceptance will come when it rains and all the goats go in the sheds…..waiting to see if they will let them come in.  I am praying that they do, so I can stop worrying about them.

I still vividly remember the day Red and Termite were born, the mother didn’t even take Termite out of the sack.  She was so tiny and Roy says the Mother knew she couldn’t make it. 

Well, SHE DID.  She is a little sweetheart.

We have two that are due any day and I pray there is no problems and they don’t reject their babies.  This old mother needs a rest.

By the time I fix food for 6 dogs, keep the cat bowls full and the water bowls, feed the ducks,  and feed the babies three times a day, if I don’t hurry the entire day will be gone.

Last evening, while Roy and I were waiting for our dinner  to finish baking,  he called me to come outside and see the goats.  The whole herd was behind the pond, older goats were eating and the babies and younger goats were playing on the sides of the pond, running,jumping and butting each other.  As we stood there, one of our very expecting nannies came waddling by and we wonder how she can even walk.  The dogs, Mary and Pilgrim were lying in the grass watching their goats.  Roy remarked what a beautiful sight .

All was peaceful in God’s pasture on the Bar H Ranch.

We both love to just stand and watch our goats….Strange.

Yes I think we have a good life.



  1. the joys of motherhood even when you didn't give birth to them yourself...

  2. Such a lovely post. I can just picture the baby goats playing!

  3. People would covet a life like yours, quiet simplicity, peace, the things we all want secretly in our hearts. How beautiful to be with God's creatures and take care of them with so much love!

  4. Hi Barbara, What a wonderful life you must live! Sweet story!
    Thank you so much for popping by to see me the other day! I appreciate your visit and comment! Nancy

  5. Hi Barbara
    It sounds like a good life to me too! I'm excited that you're joining the porch party. I've added your name to the list.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  6. Oh Barbara, your babies make a wonderful post. I love everything you tell us about your life on the farm. We had cows but baby goats or calves are each a wonder. You do have your hands full girl. So many animals to love and soooo much work. Still you love your life. I do admire you very much.

    Next time some pics please. Boy am I a pest or what. Big smile here.


  7. Wow what a find! A blogger and a goat lover! I found you at French Lique, which I got there somehow. My blog travels are not possible I am in Central Texas as well! Glad your babies are doing well. We have 17 or maybe 18, anyway they are doing great as well!
