Monday, July 20, 2009

I Have Reached a Decision/Blue Monday


My many thanks to Sally, who sponsors this day, she has allowed me to take lots of liberty with Blue Monday.  Thanks Sally.  So hop on over to Smiling Sally and see all the other blogger showing blue thingies today.




I am no longer a blue, blue lady..blue_lady

I was tempted to stop blogging or change my name so more people would come and they wouldn’t think I was just an old farm lady.

Well, I had the other life, 2 fashionable Boutiques, The Clothes Horse (It’s better to married to a clothes horse than an old nag), dressing up everyday, traveling to market in Dallas, New York, California, living what was considered the good life. But you know what, I wasn’t happy. One day I realized that life was too short to live just half way.  So I moved to the beach house, got a divorce and starting look for a happier life.  Don’t misunderstand, there were lots of good days and my ex is not a bad fellow, it was me. The best thing that came out of that marriage was my wonderful  daughter, Tara.

Then one day along came this guy that liked everything I had never even thought about.  Living in the country, raising goats, fishing, enjoying the outdoors and simply  trying to take time to smell the roses. I fell in love with him.

We got married, have a beautiful home, 6 dogs, 5 cats, 10 ducks and about 50 goats .

I love my life and I am completely happy.  I have friends and time to see them, I play bridge and bunko, take trips with Sharon and vacations with Roy.  I have just about everything a lady could want.

Then I thought about why I blog…it was to meet people from all over and share my thoughts and ups and downs. Be a friend and support someone when they had a need and get the same in return. I have made some of the greatest friends and several of them said, the reason they started coming here was because of my blog name.  So bloggers here I am, and I won’t try to fool you by changing my name or the things I write about.  The old saying, If you have one good friend, you are blessed, well I have more than one and I am truly blessed.

The Purple Goat Lady is back and I will have a new look in a few days.

To my followers I thank you for helping me make my decision, you are the greatest. 

Mr.Turkey is still here with Ms. Hen, I have a couple of sick goats and Roy is home from fishing.    Life is good. The Lord has blessed me.

I am now a happy Blue Lady.


Purple Hugs,



Southern Lady said...

Barbara, I am so glad you've decided against giving up blogging. I've never ever thought of you as "just an old farm lady." I love your stories about you and Roy and your sweet goats and life on your farm, and hope you know that I think of you as a friend.

I'll look forward to seeing your "new look" and reading more of your uplifting stories about your wonderful life on your farm.

The Texas Woman said...

There is a famous writer's blog called The Purple Crayon so ain't nothin' wrong with your name, girl! Plus I enjoy my visits with you. I'm looking forward to your new look, although nothin' was wrong with the old one! Keep bloggin', friend!

The Texas Woman

Dixie said...

Barbara... I'm glad ou're not changing... your name and your posts make you unique... personaly... I like to read what you write about... and just because I don't always leave a comment... doesn't mean I haven't stopped by...

take care... and continue to enjoy your beautiful life... I know I am... down here in French Lique... ;)

Ginny said...

Oh Barbara, you brought tears to my eyes. Not too many people can claim simplicity in their lives anymore. I know you are happier just where you are. I love how you write, open your soul to your readers, and share in a life not many of us can claim.
I feel as if I already know you and you have been a friend for ages!
So glad you decided to stay on. Love, ginny

Joy said...

I'm glad you came by my blog for a visit. I loved meeting you in this post and hearing your heart.
I live in the suburbs right now. But my desire is to move to a place with a little more room and possibly add a goat to the mix.
I'll have to start with one and see how it goes :)
My M-I-L tells me a story about wanting a goat and buying one. She had it in the back yard and looked out one day and the goat had eaten her neighbors nightgown off her clothesline. Some how it got over to the neighbors house.
Funny story.
Blogging is a wonderful part of my life, but I try not to feel pressure with posting. I post about once a week and sometimes more. I don't want to post to post you know what I mean. I like for it to be meaningful. So I'm glad your staying in blogger world and I'll be back to see you.


Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Barbara, welcome home. I love your name, that is one of the things that caught my eye. I didn't think old farmer lady, I thought new and you are.
Isn't it good to set and search your soul and find out just who you are. I was so ashamed and sad for years when I talked to my old school friends, they seemed so worldly and I didn't know or get to see half of what they did, because I married young, settled in a small town, worked hard in a GM plant and raised my family. They moved on, went to college got big company jobs moved into the rat race and I hated to tell them how "dull" my live was. Until I got to listening to them talk, (we are all mid-sixties)5 are now divorced and live in big cities along, their children and families miles away. One still travels all over the world and does what she wants almost, what she really wants is her small town life back. And it seems they envy me for my simple life and happy had to sit down and think my life though and realized when the really important things in life count ..I am years above them..I love my simple country life.
Glad to have you back.

Lisa said...

What a journey you've had! You seem to have found the path that the Lord had for you all along. Glad you're back!

trash talk said...

I truly believe God puts us on a path and along the way we meet other travelers. Some are meant to be in our lives, others not. It still is part of His plan. Those that are a part are drawn to the "voice" in a blog and if its changed, we just might lose them. It's not about numbers or pleasing's about happiness. You have found the secret formula and I am so happy you are not going to change it! (Don't make the mistake Coca Cola did several years ago with the "New Coke"). Hearing about someone elses contentment makes me happy.
Don't you just hate it when I ramble? You know what I'm trying to say...I like coming here for an uplifting!

SmilingSally said...

I'm glad you're back! I have just loaded your link. Happy Blue Monday.

Stacey said...

Girl we all go through different phases in our lives. I'm very glad that you are happy there in the prettiest place in the world. Once our kids are out of the nest I'm sure we will be living in Centerville and looking back on our lives in Oklahoma thinking of that happy phase. You just never know what's around the corner!

One of these days, I hope we get to come down there and I want to stop and meet you!

Simply Debbie said...

Dear Beautiful Barbara,
What drew me to your blog was the name
I knew the lady behind a blog with that name had to be awesome or plum
well you were certainly not crazy but I did find out this about you:
1. A beautiful woman inside out
2. True Grit to run the day to day operation of a goat ranch and a home and be the loving companion to Roy
3. A lady full of wisdom
4. A friend with a listening ear
5. Funny
6. Well loved in the blogging world
7. An exceptional mother
You have it all in one beautiful package both in and out of blogging.
The blogging world would miss a good friend should you have quit blogging.
but the name PURPLE GOAT LADY is hmmm I wonder if she is really a goat lady or is that the name of a book or......
Angel Hugs
don't you go any where...I NEED YOU!!!!!!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Barbara! How appropriate I would come in right behind Debbie. I love your blog, as it makes me feel like I am coming home every time I visit. You have such interesting stories and your insights are just wonderful. You have a beautiful way with blessing people, and without you in our lives we would truly be lost. Thank you for changing your mind. I have to tell you, when I first got my blog up and going, you were the one Debbie wanted me to visit first. I can see why. Thanks for the memories, and thanks for sharing, but most of all, Thanks for Being A Friend. Country Love and Hugs, Sherry

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Barbara! I can't imagine you not having that adorable name! I think it's perfect. And I'm glad your blues have gone bye-bye. What would we have done without you??? Perish the thought!

You just stick with the magpies and the blue ladies and all of your other friends. We love you!

Happy Blue Monday...


Sheila :-)

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm glad you've decided a name change was not in order. I'm curious to see your new look, though it's important to remember we like you just the way you are.

Unknown said...

I love the name of your blog - it's so original. Plus, it is why I first starting reading your blog anyway. Who could resist that title? I'm glad you are back and will remain just who you are. Thanks.

Cindy said...

Glad your not shutting done the blog. Wonderful post. Wonderful you have 5 cats!

Carla said...

Barbara, thank you so much for your kind comments, that pity cloud (or often times-pity pit) is a sad dark place, that for me, is a BIG waste of time. So easy to slip down there. Thank you for just being you (and all that entails:)
LOVE your happy blue damsel!!

Joan@anythinggoeshere said...

Well I did wonder who you were when I saw your blog name and now i know. I am having a blue giveaway so you may want to stop on by.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Barbara, I can't wait to see your new look!! Glad you decided to stay in blogland!

Come by and enter for a book giveaway today and tomorrow.

Hope you have a wonderful day! Nancy

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Barbara...I am so glad that you decided to stay!!! I agree with everyone's sentiments about your is so charming and personal...honest and refreshing!!!

I love that you live on a farm...I want to live on one too...maybe someday!!! You are a lucky woman!!!

I am so excited to see your new look...I know it will be amazing!!!


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I have so enjoyed your blog, so I am thrilled you have decided to continue with it. Sometimes we need a little break and sometimes we just need to cut back a little, but whatever you choose, I really look forward to visiting you. Hope to read a lot more of your posts soon and to see your new look. Hugs, Marty

Unknown said...

What a cool blog....I'm glad you're hanging with it. I really enjoy reading your blog. And I'm hoping ONE day I'll find a guy that's out there for me. Congratulations for finding your dream rock!

Knitty said...

I am glad you're back too, and am adding your blog to my list so that I remember to read it. I have the best of intentions, but don't always visit all that I should.

One of the best things about reading blogs is enjoying lives that are much different than our own and finding the common denominator that draws us together.

Happy Blue Monday to you, with a touch of purple added. ;)

Terry said...

Howdy Barbara aka Purple Goat Lady
I love your blog name it just reminds me of all the great things I love about Texas women.
Lady Bird Johnson,and her wildflowers would not be the same without her nickname.
She has passed on to greater glory but her precious name still puts a smile on my face as well as all she did to cultivate a sense of owning who we are .Finding our niche and filling it.
So enjoy the ride ,as God leads you to even greater things.
Blessings to you sweetie .
Oh and happy Blue Monday !!!!!!
Big Hugs
Love ya

Becky K. said...

This is happy news. I look for you in these themed parties. I love your posts.

Things have been crazy here lately so I haven't gotten to everyone but I always try to find yours...

Glad you aren't giving up.

It was nice to hear a bit more about what has brought you to the place you find yourself now.

Happy Day!
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane

Anonymous said...

one of my favorite quotes(it might not be exact and i don't know who it is by)"while we live let us live". no point in wasting a moment of our lives. have a great day!

Eclectic Chic Style said...

I'm glad you are staying too!!! I just had to take a break for awhile, but I'm so glad to be back visiting. I adore your blog just the way it is and love love love the posts about your goats, and everything you post about. I'll be follower no matter what!!! ;)
♥ Teresa

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Well, bless your heart! I'm glad you didn't give up blogging too. I'm glad you have a happy life; not a lot of folks can claim that! I like goats myself; they're just full of personality! Thanks for sharing today and Happy Blue Monday to you.
