Monday, August 24, 2009

I Am So Blue on Blue Monday


I don’t know how she does it every single Monday , Sally is there hosting Blue Monday for all of us trying to get back in the swing of things on Monday. Visit her at Smiling Sally and see the Blue Monday People……..thanks Sally.

I have searched high and low for something blue in my house, outside my house, around my house, under my house, on top of my house……get the idea. I can’t find anything blue I haven’t already shown you, so I am feeling very blue.

Blue Lady stained glass

Then just when I think all is lost and my head is hurting from searching high and low, I decide I need an ALEVE………


YEA, THEY ARE BLUE…I DO HAVE SOMETHING NEW THAT IS BLUE TO SHOW YOU. I am so happy, I didn’t need the Aleve after all.

HAPPY BLUE MONDAY.purplesignature


  1. I loved the Aleve bottle. I am running out of blue things too!

    Enjoyed visiting,

  2. I know how you feel. I'm running out of blues, too. Love your creativity on Alleve!

  3. Good for you Barbara, Aleve is my choice of pain medicine. And it is blue. I would have never thought of that. You rock today. BIG smile here. HINT: go to Google and you will find lots of blue to share. All is well if you know about finding blue that way. You can lift photos and put them in your files. Try it.

  4. LOL Oh you've made my day! LOL Thanks for sharing your blue. Happy Blue Monday.

  5. This was a fun read! I have lots of blue but sometimes feel that I am running out of blue to post too.

  6. funny...funny...funny. I'm an advil liqui-gel girl myself and I think they are blue so I'll stick that 1 in my hat for later.

  7. Barbara, How cute!
    Love the aleve bottle. See you never know what you are going to find. You could always use a bottle of "Cheer". I don't play Blue Monday, but like to think of things you could use. Thanks for sharing this cute post on this Blue Monday. Love ya, Sherry

  8. You are quite creative - love the bottle - so funny, and charming! Have a great day!

  9. Hi Barb! Oh, this is a cute post. I'll take a couple of those Aleve - my head hurts this morning~! :)
    I love your new blog look.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Hello Barb...

    Hehe...what a cute and creative post! So happy that you didn't need one of those pretty little blue pills afterall! I know what you mean though...I think I've run out of blue at my place too!

    Well my friend, I just wanted to thank you for stopping by and leaving me such a sweet, sweet note about my Brume de Rose tablescape (on Sunday Favorites)! I also read your sweet note that you left on the "Celebration Giveaway" post...sure did appreciate those kind birthday and blog well wishes! I was so happy that you added Happy To Design to your list of blogs to follow...I look forward to getting to know you better, my friend!!!

    Best wishes to you for my book giveaway! Thank you!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  11. Cute! I imagine it's hard to find lots of blue things!

  12. Hi Barbara,
    So glad you didn't need the Alieve! Happy Blue Monday to you!


  13. We never meant to give you a headache. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  14. Thanks for the humor! Cute Blue Monday post! Hope to see you at my place for a Blue Rooster Monday. ~ Hyacinth

  15. I LOVE BLUE!
    all things of and shades of..
    couldn't remember where i saw the Blue Monday site, but prepared my selection anyway, knowing I'd somehow stumble across it again...
    being a newbie to blogging, am having such fun checking out and visiting all these new folks and their sites..and all this fun of discovery,I OWE TO MY GOOD FRIENDS DJ at BarrierIslandGirl and Dorothy at Counting My Blessings..
    thanks to all for such delightful ramblings (literally and figuratively!) way to be blue on Monday with the laughter you all provide!
    ♥ hugs and smiles..

  16. Advil PM is a VERY happy blue too:)

  17. you are tooo funny!!! I don't have a lot of blue either!

  18. Thanks for the laugh! I hope you will join me at for Crock Pot Wednesday. Mr. Linky will be up on Tuesday for your link. Thanks for posting.

  19. You are not alone, when it comes to colors. They are hard to find unless you are not looking for them. You did very well in your selections today. Happy you found my post and left a nice comment. Thanks.
