Monday, September 7, 2009

Blue Monday/ Labor Day


Blue Monday

Thanks to a special lady for hosting this day.

Sally at Smiling Sally, give us the opportunity to showcase all the special days that fall on Monday and to show your blue thingies.


Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. 




What is happening to our work ethic in this country…so many today want the government to provide everything for them.


Happy Labor Day!



  1. Good morning Barbara. You are up early. Me too, are we nuts or what? I went to bed at 2:00am. Now, that's nuts. I took a long nap, drank some iced tea and that is all it takes to keep me awake. LOL.

    Your are so right about work ethics these days. For that matter, those who don't work and get paid anyway. Our system is so troubled. What to do???

    How are all of those baby goats doing? They grow up fast don't they?

    Happy Labor Day to you and your family.

    xoxo, Jeanne

  2. I so agree...what in the WORLD has happened to us? We are in so much trouble!
    Hope your little goats are doing good....
    xo bj

  3. I am concerned with this, the age of entitlement. "I deserve it!" seems to be the current thinking. Happy Labor Day! Happy Blue Monday.

    You forgot to put in the link to BLUE MONDAY. Please add it.

  4. Amen to everything you said. Our world is in dire need of help.

  5. You've given us some food for thought. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  6. Your last sentence explains it all!
    America was great when the people gave the world an example, pulled up their sleeves and made America what it is! We all remember: 'don't ask what the government can do for you but what can you do for your country'!
    America today should learn from the mistakes of Europe (govt health plans, retirement schemes, etc.) - all under the govt umbrella ... huge mistake!

    Happy Labor Day to you all! :)

  7. Amen! I am one who worries about the work ethic of the up and coming young people. It seems they have the who cares attitude. I for one do not want the govt. to be so involved in our lives. Happy Labor Day!

  8. Sad fact isn't it? And becoming more profitable to depend on the government too.

  9. Hi Barbara,
    I agree! The work ethics are not what they should be and our young people are being led astray. Everyone wants everything for nothing nowadays. Sad!! So how are your baby goats doing?? Happy Blue Monday and Labour Day.


  10. Girl, it's got my goat too. There is a dying out of work and ethic morals. It makes me think there won't be a Labor Day Holiday pretty soon.

  11. I didn't even realize you were a Texas lady! glad you pointed it out. Have a happy central Texas day.

  12. Hi, Barbara ...

    Just a note to say 'hello.' I hope this finds things going well for you and Roy and you are enjoying the arrival of Fall.

    Take care and keep us posted on things.
