Sunday, September 27, 2009

Raining and Lost in Virginia

Well, here we are in Williamsburg and it has been raining and we have been lost for 2 days.

The weather has been terrible and the traffic unbelievable. Friday was a lost day except we had a wonderful late lunch in a little community called Rescue, Va at Captain Chuck a Mucks. The people at the museum sent us the middle of no where, but great place and excellent seafood.

Yesterday, we went to Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson and even though it rained and rained, we just braved the weather and had a great time. On the way out we stopped at Michie's Tavern and toured the tavern and that was delightful, we did the Virginia reel and placed Shut the Box and a word game with dice. I got some beautiful dishes in the gift shop, can't wait to get home and show you. The connection where is so weak, I lose the signal occassionally.

Not sure what today holds, it is going to rain again.

Oh, yes....yesterday we bought a GPS to help get around the Williamsburg, Newport News, etc area. It is all like one large city and with the traffic, you better know where you are going.

Hopefully we will get to Washington via train one day after the rain stops which should be tomorrow.

We are also a little early for the changing of the leaves.

So Long from Rainy Va.


  1. Dear Barbara:
    I hope you get your bearings in VA. I just got home last weekend from Williamsburg and we had a great time.

    While my DH was in music rehearsals all day, I just drove down to Colonial Williamsburg and spent the day walking and "touristing". It's going to be an annual thing for us now, so I didn't want to see everything on this trip. I'm looking forward to next year and going to Jamestown. I haven't been there in 35 years, so I expect that, too, may be a bit different.

    Hope the rain stops for you. Colonial America is still a sight to see.


  2. Hi sweet friend!

    So sorry you're getting rained on. I hate when that happens on our trips. I hope the sun comes out for you.

    I've been MIA as far as my blog reading...sorry. Life has been quite busy, which is a blessing.


  3. It is always such a problem getting lost...but it seems like you are doing fine. Hope it stops raining.

  4. I'm sorry it's raining on your trip. Hope you find your way around. Enjoy!

  5. Hi Barbara! Oh, now I'm so glad you've gotten a GPS. We don't want you to get too lost! I don't know what we'd do without ours. Pull out the paper map I guess! Hope you're having some fun inspite of the rain.

    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. It sounds like you are having a good time in spite of the rain, Barbara. I'm sure your GPS will make things a lot easier for you. Take care and enjoy your stay, whatever you do.

  7. Hello Purpe Goat Lady. How fun that your away, together. I understand the being lost, especially in that weather. Good on ya for getting a map. I can't wait to see what you bought. Boy wouldn't I love a thimble from there. I'll tell ya what, let's traid. A cool thimble from VA for a scrappy halloween bag. What do ya say?


  8. I'm sorry you have rain for your trip, Barbara. It rained on us when we were there for the night a few years ago. Wish you had come to historic St. Augustine instead... the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the continental US. LOL! Do I sound like a tourist brochure? When it rains there, you just want to go out and wade in the puddles. Take it from one who knows. ;-)

    I've been computerless, but I wanted to check in with you and say, HOWDY. I am on a borrowed laptop. I hope to be back blogging next week.


    Sheila :-)

  9. Good Morning Barbara, I have been on a trip to MI without a computer so I too have not been visiting. I am back in full swing now though.
    I have vacationed in Virginia and loved Monticello. Virginia is a beautiful state except the rain is a real downer. Getting lost is not so much fun either. We have not been to Williamsburg. It is on my wish list.

    I am wondering if you are home yet. I hope your new GPS helped you get there. LOL. We have a GPS and have learned to love it.

    I have missed you and hope to hear from you soon. Our new puppy is three weeks old. We will get her in November. It is hard to wait. Go to Pink Sat. two weeks ago. It is all about our little girl.

