Sunday, October 18, 2009

Passing on the Awards


I really appreciate the awards I have received, but the hardest thing  to do is pass it on.  Everyone on my list are wonderful bloggers and I would like to give an award to everyone.

Some of you stinkers are award free…well heck.  So after many hours of agony, here is my list.


Blog Award

Rule:  You must pass it on to 10 Fellow Bloggers.

1.  Pam at Life on a Southern Farm

2.  Ginny at Faith, Hope and Tea Therapy

3.  Mary at Little Red House

4. Cher at The Texas Woman

5. Marty at A Stroll thru Life

6.  Kim at Shabby, Pink and Pretty

7. Shelia at The Quintessential Magpie

8. Chandy at What Now Tablescapes

9.  Sandi at Whistlestop Cafe

10.Beth at The Stories of A to Z

Please visit all these great bloggers!



kreative blogger award


Now this one has 2 rules,

1. You must pass it on to 7 people.

2. Each person must tell 7 things about themselves.

Well, I started to make up some exciting stuff,  I travel around the world, I have maids, cooks, yardmen, pool boys, but most of you wouldn’t believe me and I don’t blame you.  So here are 7   boring truths about me.

1. I try to be the kind of person my Mother wanted me to be.   A Christian.

2. I love sweets.  Makes me fat.

3. Everyday I feed 6 dogs, 5 cats, 10 ducks, 2 turkeys, 1 Beta and occasionally  40+ goats.  No wonder I feel tired.

4. I wish I were crafty.  No talent here.

5. I have a great family, it is small in number, but so huge in love.  Thanks family.

6.I have some the greatest friends a person could ever want.

7. Last but not least, I love blogging and have met and made friends with some of the most caring people in blog land.   Thanks to all my fellow blogger.

Now it is their turn.

1.  Barb at Bella Vista

2.  Kristen at Kristen’s Creations

3. Laura at White Spray Paint

4. Shelia at Note Songs

5. Terry at Lady Liberty Patriot

6.  Susan at Susan’s Colorful Life

7.  The Plumed Pen

Please stop in to see these bloggers and wish them well.




  1. Hey Barbara,
    Thank-you for the award! I appreciate you thinking of me.

    I understand about feeding all those critters everyday and I love sweets too.
    (I think you should have thrown in at least one of the make believe ones, like the pool boy!)
    Have a great day.

  2. Wow, thank you!!!! I so appreciate you thinking of me. I really appreciate it. I will proudly display it on my sidebar. Thanks again, I am really honored. Hugs, Marty

  3. Thank you Barbara~ It is always so nice to know that someone cares. You have made my day!

  4. Oh my goodness! Thank you! So sweet of you to think of me ;).


  5. Hi Barbara! Congratulations on your awards and thanks for passing one on to me. I will do my best to do my part soon!
    I loved reading more about you too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Thanks so much, Barbara! You are a sweetie. I also enjoyed reading your seven things. I'm behind in doing my awards. I go into shivers when I have to pick people. So they stockpile in my closet... shiny objects that they are! :-)


    Sheila :-)

  7. Congrats on getting your awards! And thanks for awarding me one. It might take me awhile but I'll gitter done!


  8. Hi there Barbara.....I loved your list....genuine, fun and warm! Just like you,I imagine! Thanks for tagging me....I will work on that tonight I hope. I've gotten a new position a work and with this one I REALLY have to work. Not near as much down time to blog, google, surf, etc....LOL! Hope you are having a wonderful fall!

  9. Congratulations on your well deserved awards.

    I'm like you, I like sweets and they make me fat!

  10. Thank you Barbara for thinking of me with the award! I actually took the couple awards I did have off my blog. Perhaps it is time I started it up again!
    I thank you for sharing your seven things! Very cute!
    I am honored and humbled by your friendship.

  11. Hi Barbara,

    Thank you so much for honoring me with this lovely award. It makes me very happy to know that there are others out there in blogland who enjoy my blog as much as they do and have become regular followers. Your generosity is very much appreciated.

    Take care and come back soon. Join us for Tea Things Tuesday if you wish.

  12. Thank you Barbara for your thoughtfulness. What a nice surprise!

    Thank you for thinking of me,


  13. Hi Barbara,Thank you for the award! I appreciate it...I have this award on my sidebar and I will put your name on it too. Thanks for all of your visits to my blog!! Kristen

  14. Hi sweet friend!

    My computer time has been VERY limited so I haven't been by in awhile, but I wanted you to know that I'll be wearing my pink bracelet you made me on Saturday in The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. I think of you each time I wear it. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.


  15. Hello there Barbara,

    Many thanks for thinking of me!.., When I can figure out how to do so, I will gladly display the lovely award on my sidebar as well..,

    Meanwhile it's on my recent posts and also on the lower part of my blog..,

    Talk about a pick me up!~ I love the "make believe", fun stuff!~ What a hoot!..,

    Cheers and blessings to you from Silken Purse
