Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mosaic Monday and Baby Goats

 mosaic monday

Time to run on over to Mary’s Little Red House and check out the list of mosaics for today.


Dec 2009 goats_AutoCollage_12_Images

This mosaic shows some of the Dec 2009 babies.

feb 2010 baby goats_AutoCollage_9_Images

These are the February 18th babies except for the small light tan and white in the lower left hand corner..this little girl was born the 19th. and 2 more not shown were born the 20th.

Yesterday, I was there when the last 2 were born and they came so fast, the Nannie was having a hard time cleaning them up, so the last one still had the sack over his face and was breathing thru his mouth.  I got to act as a mother and pull the sack off him. He is a big boy and because of this size, had trouble standing at first.  I did what I could to get him up….they need to get up as soon as possible.  The little girl born first, just got right up after a couple of tries and started eating. 

I never realize what a great feeling it is to watch new life come into the world and then see them struggle to stand and eat.

A true miracle of God!

In the first chapter of the Bible, God made mankind responsible for His animals (Genesis 1-28). All animals are God's animals (Psalm 50:10) and we are answerable to God for our treatment, care and protection of them.

Happy Mosaic Monday.

new signature


  1. Barbara:
    I always loved when our puppy litters were born. We owned the moms and I loved being there to help them, and take care of them as they took care of their babies. True miracles, and were allowed to share their lives. God is good. Thank you for sharing the photos, my friend.

  2. We've never even had puppies (we always have our dogs spayed). I can't imagine being there and seeing their first breath. I love the brown one with the with stripe in the middle.


  3. That must be very exciting to have all those wonderful animals around. Quite a lot of work I am sure, sounds like you are right there with it. Boy they do get up fast.Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Wow, that is amazing! Love your mosaics, what sweet babies :)

    Especially love the dog watching them!

  5. What beautiful, unique mosaics. Love the baby goats--so cute!

  6. Howdy Barbara
    Oh how thrilling !
    There are some things I miss about the farm and after going back home and chasing the rooster in the sleet and snow recently there are some things I can do with out :)
    Spring time is so amazing when all the babies start arriving.
    Enjoy the moment .
    Blessings to you .
    Happy Trails

  7. How wonderful! So close to Mother Nature. I do love goats (and cheese). Beautiful babies!

  8. Oh what a fun mosaic. Thanks for sharing the babies. They are so cute! I loved your reminder that we are to take care of the animals because they are God's creation.
    This was a beautiful post.
    Thanks again for sharing.
    Have a Blessed Week,

  9. How fortunate that you were there to help in the birthing process (and poor Nannie!).

  10. How special for you to be able to be there to help mama out, and then get the little ones up and on their path to life!

    Don't forget to drop by the yaya for my HUGE VINTAGE give a way this week! xo...deb

  11. Wow, amazing mosaic and I learned alot here (being from NY, I know nothing abuot this--but how exciting!)

  12. What adorable little babies! I had to laugh at the first photo and tell you I may be a city girl, but I know a dog when I see it!

  13. Morning, Barbara! Oh, I love seeing your goats and especially the babies! How sweet!
    Thanks for popping over to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  14. hi Barbara.i'm ashamed to have been so long writing you back.but i feel bad more than i feel good.please forgive my rudeness.
    i have and will continue to pray for your friend.God Bless her.
    it is so hard on the entire family.but with God all things are possible.
    i adore your goats....ann

  15. Oh how wonderful to be able to help those new little lives! Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  16. What a wonderful opportunity. Life is such a beautiful thing. Love the pictures.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. There is no way possible all that could happen WITHOUT a provider. Someone with a plan, and purpose.
    I have a super SOFT spot for goats. We can't have them here, and I miss them terribly (especially when I have to mow the yard:)

  18. Wonderful post Barbara.

    Thanks for coming by.


    barbara jean

  19. Hooray, the baby goats. How absolutely darling. I love your birth story and the best thing they were healthy. What a variety of colors. I love the brownish ones.

    My sister is thinking of getting a 'small' goat for her grandson to raise for 4-H. They have very little space to keep it in. Do they require lots of room or can they be contained in a small area? I am curious.

    Love this post Barbara.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  20. LOVE the babies and your story of helping! It is a miracle, isn't it? =)

  21. Oh how wonderful to be able to help those new little lives! Thanks for sharing at MM. :)
