Wednesday, February 17, 2010

White Wednesday and Tea for Thee and Me


White wednesday 2

Tuesday tea for two

I will say it again…..TIME JUST FLIES WHEN WE ARE HAVING A GOOD TIME…….seems like I just posted a White Wednesday@ Faded Charm Cottage and here we are again.  Wanda @ The Plumed Pen is having her 10th. Tea day.

Come in and have a cup of tea and a chocolate cupcake and best of all some good old fashion  VISITING…….








I enjoyed your visit and hope you will come again soon

new signature


  1. Wow..super beautiful post! Those cupcakes look so adorable too! Fantatsic work!
    Happy WW!
    Here's mine too if you like...

  2. This is a beautiful post, Barbara. I love your blog. You have many "lovelies" and you know how to put them together in a way that is very pleasing to the eye. I noticed a seashell on your silver; cute touch! I also used a bit of the sea on my posting for Wanda's Tuesday Afternoon Tea.
    Blessings to you - Beth

  3. I love white Wednesday... but never seem to have a "white" photo to post... guess I need to get with it!

    love the tea set... makes me want to run into the kitchen and brew a cup for me!

    blessings. Dixie

  4. Your tea set is just gorgeous. I love the reticulated edge on everything. Just beautiful and the cupcakes look yummy too. Hugs, Marty

  5. Beautiful tea set, Barbara. How fun to be able to use this. I'm glad you could play along again today.

    Have a wonderful WW.


  6. Hi Barbara, this tea set is beautiful. So are the cupcakes. Ugh, I am on a diet. those Christmas cookies sure sneaked up on me. darn!

    I have to work on it fast I don't want those pounds to think they have found a permanent home.HA!

    I loved your getaway B&B post. How beautiful it all was. I could go for that wonderful place big time. Not to be though. We are busy getting back to normal after my cousin's long stay with us. I neglected everything. My quilt too.

    Have a wonderful day my friend.
    Hugs xoxo, Jeanne

  7. I just snuck in....took a teeny tiny bite of the cupcake and snuck back out again. Happy WW. :)

  8. I just had the most marvelous tea party for Valentine's day with my little ones and daughter! I can have a tea party every day. It is such a girly not to mention relaxing and pleasant experience. My hubby and I have tea almost every afternoon.
    I think your accessories are so nice. White teapots are a favorite of mine. Thanks for sharing.

  9. such pretty white dishes...Happy WW!

  10. Oh what fabulousness! (Is that even a word)?~Hehe.., Even if it's not a 'proper word', it fits sweet friend!!..,

    I was indeed 'tickled pink', as I knew I would be, and those precious , darling and oh so yummy pink cupcakes with the pretty white tea set; I'm in heaven!!..,

    Thanks so much for partaking this week in what I have now dubbed as a descriptive subtext, our Tuesday Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me And Thee,~"two day, two blog tea marathon"..,

    I'm really partially joking of course, as that's "a mouthful" and way too long a name!

    (Yet I do plan however, hereafter to describe it that way on my blog and to further separate the two tea parties to avoid further confusion!..,

    I will keep them; (the "tea's" that is), on my two blogs and just "cross reference" and link them for two consequetive, tea party days in tandem, each week!

    It will be our little blogging, cyber, two day, tea party marathon!

    Now if that's hopefully now NOT "as clear as mud" and is now as clear as a light golden cup of tea, without milk and sugar, then I'll be a happy lady indeed and "you'll deserve to have a monument erected in your honor" for being so understanding and patient my dear!!.., He he..,

    Cheers, and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen and @ Silken Purse

  11. I also meant to say happy, White Wednesday!..,Beautiful!

    Oops!~ I also meant to say that I love the idea that you are combining the memes so brilliantly!~(I've seen that at a few blogs now and must try that myself)..,

    Such fun!!

    (I'm off to visit the others for White Wednesday now)!..,


  12. Those cupcakes look yummy! And beautiful on that white china. Thanks for having me over.

  13. Oh yum..can you hear me smacking my lips? Yep, wishing I had one of those beautiful cupcakes.


  14. So inviting! I love teapots and teacups! I have a pretty good sized collection ~ they are just so warm & cozy! Thanks for sharing on this White Wednesday!

  15. Your gorgeous pictures just take my breath away!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  16. Love your beautiful tea set and the cup cakes look delicious. Thank you by stopping by hope you come again soon.
    Hugs, Pat

  17. This is so pretty. I love the teapot and cups, the cupcakes look delicious! I would love to have that conversationa while sipping tea!


  18. Lovely tea set...the cupcakes look delicious!

  19. Hello, Barbara,
    I would love to join you for a cup of tea from that pretty white teapot and cups and saucers! Chocolate cupcakes are my favorite, too! Thank you for the invitation to visit with you for a while. We had a beautiful day today in Central Texas, didn't we? Could spring be just around the corner? I sure hope so! Sending many happy thoughts and blessings your way! Vicki
