Monday, March 15, 2010

Blue Monday……Made in Texas by a Texan…. Rodeo Houston

Blue Monday

Time again to spend a few hours with our gracious, hostess  Sally, who needs our prayers right now.  Be sure you “ mosey” on over to her blog, Smiling Sally and round up a few blue thingies.

Friday was our day at the Houston Stock Show and Rodeo and of course Toby Keith.  It wasn’t one of my better days, the wind was blowing 90 miles an hour and unless you were inside a building, it was not pleasant. 

Now there was my favorite thing and that is shopping and there was plenty of it. 

I met the nicest lady from Texas who designs, makes and sell  western wear.

CR RANCHWEAR owned by Rhea Scott Follett.   She had some to the finest made shirts and jackets I have seen.053

That is Ms Rhea seated at the desk.  It is really hard to take good pictures in the hall because there are so many people.


This was here #1 seller at the show.

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It is hard to tell from these picture but they are beautifully made shirts.

Her friend sells the boot candy, which is like a bracelet you wear on your boots.  So stylish now are the rubber boot made like cowboy boots and decorated.  Yes, ladies we must look good in the pasture or the barn cleaning out poop.


I also thought you might in enjoy seeing a few hats that were for sale,  Of course, you can buy any color, material or price cowboy hat you want.  Roy said these are the ugliest ones he had seen, and he should know, he has about 6-8 hats and is always looking for another.


Then I spotted one that was to die for and that tight old skin-flint wouldn’t buy it for me and he says he loves me.




I guess I wasn’t worth it……..hehehe

Then I ran into an old friend from my days of owning 2 boutiques, I get to visit with her every year down there.  She is from Colorado.


Barbara is a lovely lady and designs all the denim, and jewelry that she sells. Her clothes, jewelry and belts are well made and worth the price.

Yep, there were other booths besides clothes and jewelry.



These Chest were hand made and absolutely magnificent.

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The bronzes were breathtaking.

My pictures of the rodeo and Toby Keith were disappointing, I , for the most part had the wrong lens.



I did talk Roy into riding the Bump Cars, but he is such a sissy, HE WOULDN’T RIDE ANY OF THESE SCARY RIDES. so we gave all our tickets to a little boy, whose family appeared to be less fortunate than Roy and I.


We sit right behind the chutes….they are called chute seats…go figure.  Lots of perks come with these seats and the best one is you get to go down on the dirt when the performer is out there and sit in chairs on the dirt.  We were much closer that my pictures show.






Thanks for being patient and looking at all my pictures, we had a great time.



  1. I loved "going to the rodeo" with you, Barbara. I couldn't believe the $10,000 hat, though. Can you imagine the outfit you would have to have to do it justice! ... lol

    It sounds like you and Roy had a good time, even with the winds. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. Great images!Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Happy Blue Monday..Luna

  3. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaw~! I know ya'll had a great time. Thanks for the photos and for taking us with you. Rodeo's are the Best~!

  4. Oh how fun! Thanks for sharing, Barbara. I wouldn't enjoy the winds either but I would have loved the shopping and seeing Toby Keith. Is the hat made of gold?...Christine

  5. Looks like a lot of fun, i'd like to have a cowboy hat..

    My Blue Monday post

  6. What a great time you and Roy had, Barbara. I loved everything you showed, and I learned what boot candy is. Happy blue Monday!

  7. Hi Barb..
    Haven't been to a rodeo in years..
    Toby Keith is definitely an entertainer..
    loved the shopping excursion..
    thanks for sharing your finds with us..
    warmest hugs..
    laughing smiles..

  8. What fun Barbara! You know, I still have my cowboy boots from the 1960's! They're by Dingo Boot Co.
    I went through a country western phase and could not get enough country music and clothing!!
    Thanks for all the super photos. I especially loved the wooden chests, beautiful!

  9. Looks like you had a whoppin good time. I really love the little bronze cowboy and cowgirl. Bet they were VERY pricy. Happy Blue Monday.

  10. How fun! But $10,000??? Wow! Happy Blue Monday!

  11. I love your photos and it certainly sounds as though you enjoyed the rodeo. I caught that gorgeous blue hat in the display. Fool that I am, I liked it more than the 10,000 beauty. We grow too soon old and too late smart :-). Always been a problem with me. Have a great day.

  12. 10k$ for that hat?! awww i wouldnt buy it hehehe

    u may view mine here

  13. Barbara, thanks so much for the rodeo tour.... it was great!

    Thanks always for your thoughts and prayers.

  14. It looks like such fun! I'm not really a cowgirl...but, we go to Nashville often and I love it there. I don't wear the western clothes, but I always love seeing them.

  15. I have not been to the Houston Stock show and rodeo in years. Thanks for taking me along on your great trip. You did a super job on all the pictures.

  16. Great Pics, looked like a great time!

  17. dern, i want that *#1 best seller* too!

    i just posted about cowboy decor...yeeeeehawwww!

    adore rodeos too.

  18. thank you for coming over to my blog!!! I just love yours and I am suggesting to my sister and sister-in-law as well. I loved living through you in your pics at the Rodeo; I MUST have one of those chests!!!

    have a blessed day

  19. hi dudes. I'm honestly into shoes and I had been looking as far as something that particular make. The prices for the sneakers were approximately 200 dollars on every site. But definitively I bring about this locate selling them for half price. I absolutely love those [url=]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely order these. what can you say about it?

  20. Looks like you had a great time, even if Hubby wouldn't spring for the $10,000 hat! Men, go figure, huh?

  21. hi there fellas. I'm actually into shoes and I had been looking for that meticulous make. The prices seeking the shoes were approximately 310 pounds on every page. But for all I found this location selling them someone is concerned half price. I in reality like these [url=]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will probably buy them. what do you think?

  22. Thank you for stopping by my blog today, as well as your well wishes! I do appreciate them greatlly!! I was so glad to get a trip the rodeo, through you! I have been telling hubby, that is the only thing I really miss about the Houston area..... Glad I had a small trip this year! And you did have some GREAT seats, that's for sure!
    Hugs and Blessings,

  23. I love going to the rodeo. Great pictures. So many things to see and do there. Also, so much money to spend! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  24. Hi Barbara! I got your message and am following you too! :) thanks for the link up! Let's keep in touch! I love the name of your blog! sooo cute here! Gotta love a fellow texan! (i'm not original though... a transplant!)

  25. Hi Barbara, thanks for stopping by my blog. Love all the pics here, I've never been to anything like that (I should get out more!).

  26. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I LOVED this post! I would love to be added to your 'Texas Girls' list!

  27. HI!!!
    I love TOBY KEITH!!!
    Now you have a Brush with FAME!!!!
    Great event you were at!! Shopping in some mighty fine vendor booths, Rodeo and a CONCERT!!!! YOu are a Lucky Lady!!! ANd to bump into an old friend!!!
    WOW what a day!!!!

  28. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog Barbara, I have in turn join you and look forward to all your doings. Don't you just love shopping at the Houston Stock Show. You had some great pics that made me want to be there. That hat was unbelievable, well at least the price was LOL. If your ever in Abilene give me a shout:)

  29. Looks like a great time! We are going to the Austin Rodeo next week to visit an artist friend who has a booth there. I wonder if I'll see any $10,000 hats? Can you imagine??? Love those chests, they are gorgeous. Thanks for the visit and follow, I'm trying to list all the Texas bloggers together but so far I'm way behind. Kathy

  30. Looks like you had a wonderful time! Oldest has been asking to go but The Hubster has not wanted to fight parking. I have to see if it i still on this weekend. Thanx for stopping by earlier!:)

  31. Hi Barbara!
    We were at the livestock show on Monday. I saw those beautiful shirts too :-) And that $10,000 hat...still chuckling over that one.

    I sure enjoyed your pictures, especially since we didn't get to do the rodeo and concert this year. (The carnival and animals were all the babies could take!)

