Tuesday, March 23, 2010

White Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday


White wednesday 2


outdoor wedasoutherndaydreamer

I am joining Kathleen at Faded Charm for another White Wednesday, where you will find beautiful, old, new, funny, inexpensive and expensive White Things.

I am also joining Susan at Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.

I realize they are very different, but it is goat time.  My babies are like your children, they grow very fast and if I don’t show them, they will be grown and having their own babies.








The bird is by Fitz and Floyd, it is the first thing I have by them made of wood and metal.

The lanterns came from Goodwill for $3, $4, and $5 .

I am anxious to take them to the Lake House and do a tablescape with them……..when it is much warmer.

Now my babies….I love them so!


These are just three of the 13 last ones born.  The run like heck from me, but these three were sound asleep.



Two of them are brother and sister, but I have to wait until they run to their mother to be sure which is which.



This is our old Billy, he will be sold shortly, not because he is old in age, but he can’t continue to mate his grandchildren.


This is the BARON, he is Roy’s pride and joy and he will be our main Billy now.


Can you see the paint goat in the background, she broke her hip…..at first I thought it was just sprained or bruised, but after several days, I realized it was more serious and we will have to put her down.  This is the part that just breaks my heart and I feel sorry for Roy because he is the one to do it.


Yesterday, I found a young one with the same thing, I think I have A Big Billy problem….Roy and I will discuss it when he gets home today.

A word for you city slickers, which I was one before marrying Roy 7 years ago,  living in the country and having animals can make you laugh and smile and then break your heart. We have 80 0r 81 goats. They will not line up for me to count.

You are always welcome at the Bar H Ranch.

Have a great Wednesday.

new signature


  1. Barbara, Your goats are lovely. I hear they are quite friendly. Do you milk them? Are they an agricultural product for you, or more for fun?

  2. Barbara, those babies are just adorable! I'm so sorry about your two injured goats, I know that is the hardest part of husbandry. You do have a beautiful group! Kathy

  3. How sweet are your babies...so how many babies do you have...
    Just wanted to come by and say hello and to see if you entered the April Fools giveaway of the Paul Dean Pans. If not be sure and do so..
    Take care of those cuties

  4. H8i Barbara!!!!
    I so loved popping over here to learn a thing or two about goats!!!! How sad, the hurt ones have to be put down, I hope they were not bullied to death, sadly that may be the cause.
    The little ones are so cute!!!!
    Loved that white stuff you showed too, it will be perfect for your lake house!!!!
    Have a nice chat with hubby about the poor little injured goats.

  5. aww so sad that you'll have to put one down :( they are pretty. Happy Outdoor Wednesday!

  6. Nice whites and cute goats. Sorry to hear about the hurt one. So sad.
    Ya might want to rejoin at faded charm. I clicked on your name and it said page not found. I had to look for ya on the comment page. Maybe it was MY computer but ya might want to check it out.
    Hope all else is well in your neck of the woods.

  7. I love your goats.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Those lanterns are gorgeous.

    Have a wonderful day.

  8. Love the baby goats! Baron is quite handsome. Cannot wait to see the lanterns in a tablescape. As for animals, they do make you laugh, smile and cry. It matters not whether you are in the city or the country.

    Thank you for sharing your babies with us today.

    ~ Tracy

  9. What cute goats. They are sweet babies. I love the lanterns. Totally cool. I never anything like that when I go to Good Will but I am not giving up. :) Thanks for sharing.

  10. Those lanterns and all your new baby goats are precious!

  11. Hey, thanks for coming by my blog!!
    What cute goats you have.. :)

    Would love to be on your Texas bloggers list!! :)

    Do come again! I'ma follower of yours now!! :)

  12. I enjoyed your goat story too! Yes, it is so sad when an animal is hurt... Pa hates that too. I am glad to find your blog. I liked your pretty purple tablescape too!

  13. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I would love to be on your Texas blog list. I enjoyed the lovely pictures of all your Easter pretties. And I especially enjoyed reading about those cute goats. (I want one!!) Hope you have a blessed Easter.

  14. Loved reading about your goats! I have been helping a local farmer for about three years, mainly when he needs help moving a herd of sheep. But spring of 2009 I actually had to deliver a breach lamb on the spur of the moment because the farmer's hand was too large to sucessfully turn the lamb. That was an unexpected and thrilling experience for me! In Feb 2009 I also got to bottle feed two Lamancha kids for 7 weeks, longer than necessary my farmer friend said, but I didn't want to give it up!! I had such fun playing with them after I fed them. Here are some photos and part of the story on my blog. http://karenquilt.blogspot.com/2010/01/what-do-sheep-and-quilts-have-in-common.html
