Friday, April 9, 2010


We are celebrating at the Bar H and thanks to Beverly@How Sweet the Sound, we can share our happy event with all of you.

Hello, My name is Tom T. and I live at the Bar H with Roy and Barbara, 6 dogs, 6 cats, ducks and about 80 goats.  Things have not gone to good for me lately.     I have been moping around the yard,  well how would you feel if you were me.  No mate and I had looked everywhere.

Thursday afternon  I saw Roy and Barbara pull up in the truck with a big cage and WOW!……..I couldn’t believe my Eyes!
female turkey chorus line
There was a cage full of the most beautiful Ladies I have seen in a while.  To be honest there were only three, but to these happy eyes it looked like hundreds.
I rushed to my closet and put on my best,  well listen, I need to look nice for my visitors.

I rushed back to that big cage and introduced my self.  Boy are they pretty ladies. 
I was dancing around the yard, trying to show them what a handsome fellow I was.  I walked over to the cage and Bang……..

love turkeys

It was love at first sight!!!

Being the gentleman that I am, I invited all three ladies to have lunch. One lady was so excited that she laid an egg.  Boy that is real love……did you ever lay an egg for you favorite Guy?  No, then stop laughing.
We are still getting to know each other, but I am looking forward to having a great family real soon.


I want to thank all of you for your concerns and kind remarks about my sad dilemma.   It is nice to have such caring friends.
Life is good again!!!!!!
I ask Barbara if she would take some pictures of the new ladies, my camera is broken.
Mr. Tom T

Here are the pictures I took for Mr.Tom’s  of his new lady friends.

This is Miss Pearl, she is a young hen and she stays right with Mr. Tom.

Here is Miss Gypsy, when we opened the cage this morning, she took off and left and went down the road.  Later she came back…I guess the grass wasn’t greener on the other side.

Last but not least is Big Nose Kate,I am not sure if  you can see her beak, but it is very large and curved. 

Mr. Tom has been courting since we unloaded  the cage Thursday afternoon, he is so excited, he has even stopped to eat.
He has his wings full taking care and keeping up with three hens.

So for now, all is well at the Bar H.  I think I forgot to mention that Roy brought home a young cat (wild as a March hare) several days ago and she is in the den in a large kennel while I try to tame her so she will hang around.
Live is never dull……now is getting ready to build some nesting boxes for the hens he wants to buy.
Life just gets more interesting for this City Girl married to a Country Boy………


  1. Oh Barbara, how in the world do you find all these cute pictures, besides the real ones, and the real ones are wonderful!!!!
    I really needed something funny and uplifting hit it for me.... Thanks!
    I'm so happy for your Mr. Turkey....
    and you'll need good luck in taming a feral cat....

  2. I'm so happy that Mr. Tom T. is no longer alone. He has some lovely ladies there and I know he's happy.
    Good luck with little wild kitty..

  3. Love, love, love it!!!! I laughed so hard and my Cowboy did too. As a City girl married to a Country boy I understand these types
    I sure hope everything works out for Mr. Tom, HA!! The names for the ladies are so perfect.
    Can't wait to see how it all turns out.

  4. Enjoyed the post!!

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Hi Miss Purple Goat Lady, I just stopped by to tell you that I'm having another drawing for my 60th follower. Next Saturday, check with me.


  6. Hi, Barbara,
    Cute, cute post! I am so glad Mr. Tom has some lady friends now! He is a very handsome fellow! It sounds like you all have fun there in the country. I have been enjoying this beautiful weather here in Central Texas. Have a fun filled, happy weekend! Vicki

  7. That Mr. Tom is one lucky turkey! The ladies seem to take to him like ducks to water! I am new visiting you please join me! I just began following you!
    Your blog name caught my eye as my oldest son, now 25, has had a life long fascination with goats! My girlfriend lives on a farm with her family including her mother-in-law who just bought a mama Llama and her son and has a family of goats living there too! Hugs Anne

  8. Hey Barb..
    When I first found Bubba in a box on my porch in freezing weather,and brought him indoors to the laundry room..he was QUITE wild..
    but after rubbing him down with catnip.,he was a changed cat..such a big ole cuddly baby!!try sprinkling a bit in his cage,,then when you can touch him, rub him with catnip!!
    Warmest hugs.. Loui♥

  9. Hi Barbara,
    What a cute post! I'm glad that Mr. Tom T has some companions now. Happy Pink Saturday!


  10. Pearl, Gypsy and Big Nose Kate...sounds like characters out of a Larry McMurty it! Old Tom T will have his days and nights filled for sure now!

  11. Great pictures Barbara! So glad you came for a visit..good luck with the giveaway!

    Miss Bloomers

  12. Hi again Barbara..
    I came to invite you to come visit my blog. I have 3 awards waiting for you.. I was stunned when the sweet lady gave me all 3,so I will pass them all along. I really want you to have these awards, you write the best stories,I so love coming here to visit.

  13. Sounds like you are living the good country life. Boy does that white hen bring back memories, but our much dreaded white turkey was a Jake...mean as a snake, no a snake is meek and mild compared to Demon...
    Poor Mr. T, bet he will have to have a week off to rest up after his courting this week.
    You go Tom you old
