Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday

Thanks to Susan, the sponsor of this day to see beautiful pictures of God’s creations.  Be sure to visit her and get the list of bloggers.outdoor wedasoutherndaydreamer

Wow, Sunday afternoon a little storm blew thru Jewett and the Bar H and left us with a mess in the yard, but 1/2 inch of rain…we wanted to go outside and play in it.


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It left my whole yard ,patio, driveway covered with leaves and branches. and knocked this cup off and broke it.

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But the rain was good for the plants…..


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It has been a stressful summer so far, with so little rain for plants, but especially for grass in the pasture.

I know you get tired of Mr. Turkey pictures, but it is so amazing that a wild turkey would so easily become friendly.




They are now roosting here at night, him in a tree and her on the roof of the barn.

Truly amazing.


Happy Outdoor Wednesday



  1. I'm glad you got some rain, Barbara. We've gotten three nice showers here, too.

    I think it's so neat that Mr. and Mrs. Turkey have taken up residence closeby. I know you enjoy watching them ... and vice versa.

  2. I am so glad y'all got some rain, isn't it amazing how something so simple as a little rain and wind can bring us such joy and misery at the same time. I said when we finally got rain, that my little flowers stood with their heads up to heaven rejoicing and our pastures just came alive.
    How nice that the turkeys feel safe enough to roost close by, I just love watching them.
    You have a blessed day. For God is good.

  3. Well I guess I missed the turkey post before! That is so fun that you've got a new member of the family. ;)

    Yay or rain! What a blessing in the heat of the summer. We've had some too and immediately my flowers started blooming.

  4. Glad you got some rain - your yard is beautiful.

  5. Oh Barbara, you lucky thing, could you please pass the bucket out my way in Phoenix. We so need a rain to wet things off. Our side of the valley on the west very seldom get much, it is usually the east side that gets all the wet stuff. We just get dirt and wind. Lovely post honey. I will never get tired of seeing the turkeys. They are just such beautiful animals. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a pleasant day. Stop by and say hi. Country Hugs, Sherry

  6. Rain is a good thing when you haven't had too much. Your yard looks like it's thriving. Are you growing your Thanksgiving dinner too?

  7. Sorry about the mess but I guess we have to take the good with the bad. . .Have you named the turkeys that come to visit? Have a great day!

  8. How great to have a tom and hen turkey in your yard/ranch!!! I be they're so fun to watch. Just think....someday some chicks?

    Love your flowers!! [I know what you mean about not enough rain...where I live,'s so dry the ground is cracking. We need rain desperately.

    Loved your post. Thanks for the invite!

  9. I'm so glad you got rain, Barbara! Yea! But I'm sorry it broke your cute cup.

    Love seeing wild turkeys. It's like they are becoming your pets. I love it! I had a friend who used to have peacocks who would roost in the rafters of their barn. If you startled them, you could have a peacock in your face, flying wildly and screeching to get out! I'm glad your turkeys appear to be better behaved. They sure are a cute pair!

    Happy OW to you...


    Sheila :-)

  10. Those same storms came our way, but we did not have the "mess" that you did. LOTS OF RAIN ... so much so that flood warnings were issued. It made for a gorgeous sky last night and this morning, however. Add the turkeys Beginning August 5, I will be hosting Crock Pot Wednesdays on I hope you will join in the fun. THERE WILL BE PRIZES:)!!!!...I love keeping up with them.

  11. We are getting some storms today. We need the rain so I don't mind. I'm enjoying seeing the wind blow, just sitting in this dark house, visiting friends. I need to get up and start laundry.
    We once had a mother turkey and her brood come into our fenced back yard in Tennessee. Honey Bear didn't believe me when I told him the first time I saw them so the next time, I took a photo. Later, he saw them himself. I love God's creation and it is wonderful when he shares a little of it with us, unexpectedly.
    Mama Bear

  12. Thanks for sharing... that turkey is something else..

    Great shot!

    TTFN~~Claudia ♥

  13. My friend had a wild turkey that became a pet. She named it Carl. The turkey was so friendly it would follow you around, and when you turned around you would almost trip over it! Then one day Carl started to lay eggs. They didn't change her name! May she rest in peace - she died of old age... sad....

  14. Beautiful!
    Happy outdoor.


  15. We did get a little of that storm and even a little hail. Yes, we almost danced in the rain too.
    Thanks for stopping by, Candy

  16. Glad you were blessed with a good rain, but sorry about the damage. There is nothing wrong about enjoying the actions of a turkey. There a lot worse things you could be doing.

  17. The turkey is quite a handsome guy. I'm glad you got some rain. It is still dry here in Oregon. Have a wonderful day.

  18. I would love to have lunch with you and fiends, but I live approximately 200 miles west, north west of Palestine. Just the picture was taken around there. Thanks for visiting my via the post.

  19. I am always amazed how much a little rain can improve in the garden. As for the cool is that! your photos are pretty...thanks for the visit today!

  20. We've been getting a rain shower for about 3.2 minutes and that is it. It barely covers the driveway. So frustrating. I'm wanting a good soaker to come thru.
    I read today where August and Sept will probably be wetter months than usual. So we'll see.
    Those turkey's must be fun to watch.


  21. Glad you got some rain - your yard is beautiful.
