Monday, July 20, 2009

Thanks !!!!!!

I am humbled by the response to my Blue Monday post.  This is what blogging is about as far as I am concerned…laughing, crying, praying and celebrating with each other.

I cherish each one of you.  Thanks again.

There is a lady that needs a kind word, her name is Peggy and her new blog is Peggy’s Mountain  If you have a minute, please drop by and give her a thumbs up.


Loads of Purple Hugs to all



  1. Thanks for the notice. I just paid her a visit. I think we all need a little uplift every once in a while. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  2. Stoppin' by to tell you how much your support mean to me. Remember you owe me lunch...or me, you...whatever, lunch is on our schedule!

    The Texas Woman

  3. You are welcome. Just giving back some of what you gave to me when I needed it the most.

  4. Blogger love is much appreciated by me too!

  5. Hi Barbara,
    Thanks for the visit and for adding me to your blog roll.

    I'll add you too!
    :) Diane

  6. Update on Amy!
    Debbie just called. Mercy Hospital is running late. They did come in this morning and tried several times unsuccessfully to draw blood. Extremely painful for Amy. Amy's blood pressure is very low this morning. They have told us they are going to draw blood when they get an IV started. I pray for that to happen as with her possibly to dehydrated I don't know if they can. Debbie held the phone up to Amy's ear and I was able to tell her that I loved her and so many of us are praying for her. I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I will continue to update each of you as I hear anything. Love, Sherry

  7. People who haven't tried blog or message board friendships (or who only visit contentious forums)have no idea how enriching they can be. I am fortunate to have friends throughout my city and two close friends on my own street, but my recent girlfriends getaway was with three women I met through an HGTV forum years ago.

    Generations before us swapped recipes, compared child rearing woes and discussed books over the backyard fence. With our lives so much different today, not everyone knows their neighbor much less has something in common with them. Thanks to common interest forums and blogs, we are only a click away.

  8. Purple hugs to you too(purple just happens to be my favorite color;)
    I'm headed over to visit your friend...

  9. Hi Barbara...I believe Sandra from canyon wren cottage is still in Austin. Just don't think she is blogging anymore. Did you try emailing her?

    Loved your purple goat story in the previous post!

  10. Dear Sweet Barbara:
    Update on Amy. She has PASSED the test. Yes, she has PASSED the test. The Dr. said her little vessels looked so good and she had such a wonderful blood flow. While the balloon was inflated she showed no signs at all of a stroke. They injected some die at the time the balloon was in there, and she is on her way for a scan of sorts to double check the brain and make sure there is no sign of a stroke. This is more or less a double check. She told Debbie, "No more tests Mom, no more tests." The Dr. said he saw no reason why she should not have the surgery, but would talk with them after this scan. Debbie did get to see Amy on her way to the next test, and she was teary eyed but glad it was over, and Praise God she PASSED. Keep up the prayers as they are so working. God Bless you, Love Sherry

  11. Dearest Barbara,
    I wanted to drop you a quick line. I received another call from Debbie. I am just sharing this with a few of you. The Dr.s are watching Amy closely. They thought she might have been having a small stroke as she started experiencing some problems with one of her eyes, but the dr.s upon further testing believe it is one of her migraines, as she is seeing spots also. The brain shows no signs of a stroke from either test. They just removed the line from the groin area, and have applied a pressure bandage. They are continuing the IV which is a blessing as she so needed to be fed and hydrated. (More than one way to skin a cat.) I can just hear her little body thanking God for the nourishment. Amy is exhausted, as she did not sleep much last night, maybe she will rest some this afternoon. They have moved them Debbie said to another room to be held until the Dr.s decide whether she can go home tonight or stay overnight. I am praying they will keep her overnight, as if they ran into problems on the highway she would not be able to walk, and she could bleed to death if that plug were to come out if anyone was to hit their car. That is the next thing we need to pray about. This is what happens when you are on state insurance. When you get cancer and can't work, when you insurance runs out because of that. This is the way we treat people who have no money. How sad is this???? Well now that I have vented on that, I have to thank you again for being a wonderful friend to my sister. Debbie has been a shut in for a very long time. I can't remember the last real friend that she had. People don't want to take someone out if it takes awhile to get them loaded, or if they are much slower, can't see as well. The list can go on and on. Debbie so looks forward to my Fall visits as I take her out every day and we look (shop) for hours. You Barbara are her link to the outside world. I love you so much for finding her and seeing the real person that she is, and loving her for that. I thank God for you each night. I love Debbie, as she is my sister, but everyone needs a friend. Thank you for being that to Debbie. I will always love you for it. I will talk to you soon on the next update. Thank you my friend, Sherry

  12. That is what friends are for to care and give support to someone in need.

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