Friday, January 8, 2010

What in the World has happened in Texas?

The weather in most of Texas is so cold, it is hard to believe.

I can’t remember the last time it was this cold ( I admit my memory is not real good), but it is 19 degrees and the wind chill is 9. 

This is cold for Texas, at least in our part of  Texas.  Of course, I am worried about my goats and turkeys, but there is nothing I can do other than be sure they have food to keep up their body heat.

Tonight it will be colder, but no wind chill to drop the temp even lower.  I know in the North, you have these temps more often, but I feel you are better prepared.

Of course we grieve for our Beloved Texas Longhorns and worry about Colt’s shoulder.  What a sad thing to happen to this wonderful young man.  We offer no excuses, we were out played, but do think we could have given Alabama a better game if Colt had been in the game.  We do applaud Gilbert for his valiant try.

There are lots of great recipes at Designs by Gollum’s on Foodies Friday.   I have spent an hour or so copying some of the ones I liked.

I am rambling…I know….just needed to post something today to help with the saddest in my heart for my adopted sister/friend, Sharon. Yesterday, we were told they would have to add chemo to her treatments of  radiation.

Yesterday I go some earrings I ordered from Penniwig and they are absolutely beautiful.  If you have not checked out her Esty  Shop….do so.  They are delicate and so dainty.

I have also booked 2 nights Lee’s  Le Shiloh Shabby Chateau in Union Grove, Texas.  If you have not seen this vacation rental, then you need to rush over to Inspired Comblogulations, listed on my Texas list and scroll down until  you see the above Name and click on the picture.  You are in for a sight, you will not believe.  Eat your heart out, Roy and I have it booked for the Valentine Weekend.  Lee and Rick have created a beautiful retreat and you can even have meals catered and delivered to the Chateau….check out the Chef.

Sharon and I are headed to Bryan/ College Station this morn for her to have a Pet Scan, then I guess after they have the results, we will have our treatment schedule. I also found a great recipe for a casserole on Gollum’s blog and I will pick up the ingredients to make it tonight for Roy, when he gets to come home for one night.

Thanks for letting me ramble around this morn.  See you soon and forgive me for now visiting all of you, but know I think of you.




  1. We ain't liking the cold temps too much in North Florida either!!

  2. Dawlin.. you sound like you're in shock! Texas loses to Alabama and temps drop to the 20's in Texas... What IS this world coming too!

    Let's just send up a little prayer that our Cowboys beat the Eagles this weekend!

    Give sweet Sharon a hug for me and tell her she is in my prayers.

    Blessings... Dixie

  3. I agree with Darla. Our so. FL summers are a hot house, but this is ridiculous! I'm sleeping under a quilt AND a blanket...quite unusual for our neck of the woods.

    Good luck today for you and Sharon. Hope you find a bright spot and can enjoy your day together.


  4. I am sorry Sharon got more bad news, but with a friend like you...I'm sure she will get through it. That is cold. My daughter is freezing (snowing, maybe) in Orlando...isn't it strange. We are used to it and prepared here in Illinois. I still don't like it, but we do sort of laugh at how the south reacts to a few snowflakes! I hope your animals do okay.


  5. Thanks for stopping by! We too were up late with those Longhorns...what a game! We'll recover huh? Covered plants and pipes last night, I think they all will recover. It's that wind that kills me. Hope you find a bright spot today :) I love your blog name.

  6. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Sharon today, Barbara. May God hold her especially close and give her the strength she will need in the days ahead. She is so blessed to have a friend like you to walk beside her.

  7. I agree..if the shock of the football game was not enough, then the weather is trying to freeze us all....unbelievable weather.

  8. MS is joining you in saying "what happened to Global warming" warming means hot, not cold....I don't like cold, thus one reason to live in MS...gheez...
    Barbara I am so sorry about Sharon's report, but My prayers are coming her way. Hang strong and be there for her. Y'all take a little break while out and about today to share a little comfort time and sit and share some hot coffee or chocolate.
    Ramble all you what girl, that's what we're here for, to listen and be a friend, that's what true friends do.

  9. I don't like this either. Last summer everything fried because of heat and lack of rain and now anything that had life in it is frozen it looks like.

    I pray Colt McCoy's arm will heal. I know God has big plans for him.
    I was so torn last night. I love Alabama. We lived there and my youngest was born there and we're SEC people,
    but I love Texas too. So either way I was good with it. I just hate for Colt.

    ♥ Joy

  10. Thank you for the advertising... you are a sweety!

    stay warm...Lee

  11. Brrrrrrr...............Now I'll bet you're REALLY purple......that's just too darn chilly!

    Warm hugs,

  12. I know I know.. I am still crying that my longhorns lost. That's ok there is always next year. My tears are turning into ice cubes before they ever hit the ground. It is cold!!!! Stay warm!!

  13. Keeping my prayers for the young man Colt..he has such a great attitude also...I am a northern girl and I am not liking the cold either..that is supposed to stay up north so I can craft and paint all year long...hehehe! prayers for your friend on her pet scan...have a great weekend...stay warm

  14. It's horrible here, too, Barbara, and this is the SUNSHINE STATE better known as Florida. I make no secret of my dislike for cold weather here. Hate it!

    I'm sorry about Sharon. Thinking of you...


    Sheila :-)

  15. My brother in Houston has been cold this year, too. We are in the mountains in AZ, and get just a little bit of snow every year. I hope your animals survive the cold.

  16. HI!!!!
    Oh that is cold!!!!
    Stay warm!!!!!

  17. Sometime it feels better just to write it all down like you did here.

    Yes my FIL in wonderful, he took me to with surprise when he did the table all by him self, MB

  18. Hi Barbara, Love your blog, the look, the name, the photos! Too Cute! Stay warm...and Happy Pink Saturday! Becs

  19. Dear Purple Goat Lady...I love to type that so don't mind me...pretty cold here too...well colderbut in the midwest we are suppoased to expect it...ha I say I'd rather have sunshine and say about 72 degrees...but we get what we get right! I hope you have a safe trip and stay warm...hope you do get a chance to stop over and say howdy to Jalina Rose

  20. I can't believe how cold we are here in Central Tx- I am a WIMP. For all the coats I have I still would prefer to be farther south right now! Thanks for the vaca tip! Happy
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    January Charmed bracelet giveaway!

  21. i hate to complain about the cold cuz we have so many hot days, but it really is dang cold! will keep your "sister" in my prayers. how blessed she is to have you!

  22. I was praying hard for my goats, chickens and ducks during the cold blast. I live in W. Texas and have 9 goats, 24 chickens and two ducks. Looking forward to warmer weather.

  23. WAY too cold in Texas! Thank goodness we have 50's temps coming this week - should feel wonderful after our 8 degrees here yesterday! Your valentine trip sound awesome!

  24. Hello dear Barbara, I am home from Atlanta and just caught up with your posts. It has been unusually cold here too. While I was in Atlanta the wind chill was 0 degrees. It did hurt business but we had a great s

    I am so sad about your friend Sharon. I will pray for her improved health. I will also pray for your poor goats and other animals. I have worried about your baby goats.

    The poop story did make me laugh out loud. No Photos is ok with me.

    Have a happier day.
    Hugs xoxo, Jeanne

  25. Sorry to hear that you're having concerns and are shivering too. I'm cold too.
