Saturday, April 24, 2010

Couldn’t Sleep with the Storms!

We have just had our last storm for now.  My dogs are scared of thunder, I could hear them crying, so I got up and thought I would try to catch up on visiting, but it has been very slow, because of tremendous  rain, hail and lightning.

I know it has moved east and I hope everyone is safe as it passes over your area.

We are still very busy here at the Bar H……We are continuing our fencing today and tomorrow.  Sooner or later, we will have it done so that the goats can’t go visiting around our neighbor or come in the yard and eat my rose bushes. 

You know the old saying….Grass is greener on the other side,  Well they sure think it is.

Hope to be back in the blogging world soon,,,,,,please don’t stop visiting and leaving comments or sending me an emails. 

Fence Builder Barbara



  1. Storming here today too-hope y'all are all doing better with all the trouble you've had. So sweet of you to visit, I haven't been blogging too much either. Mom's finally home but have been with her everyday as she needs constant care. Thanks for the prayers too-hope to be back in the blogging world soon!

  2. Hi Barbara! It's so nice of you to drop by! Those storms are headed our way...yikes! Hope you had no damage! Don't work too hard...Debbie

  3. We had some storms yesterday too, but not nearly as bad as yours. Today the sun is shining and the birds are singing, so hopefully you'll have good weather for all the work you need to get done. Kathy

  4. Oh what is with the weather? It is cold (for Phoenix).

  5. Oh wow- that is a fabulous lightening shot. wow........

    Don't work too hard!

    In Shoes We Trust,
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  6. We are in the mist of the bad weather right now. My ChiChi is scared to death of bad weather too, She is going from room to room hiding under and behind everything, then moving some where else.
    Your lightening shot is great.
    Hope it settles down soon, sure isn't the normal weather for us.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog and I'll keep a check on you come back when things slow down, we miss you.

  7. We had storms last night as well. However, nothing as severe as yours. Those are amazing shots of the weather.

  8. Hi Barb..
    no terrible storms here at my house last nite, but just a wee bit north, was SNOW while I had heavy rain..
    so, I'm using my indoor time constructively..
    on the computer working with my photos..
    have a wonderful weekend!
    warmest hugs..

  9. I hope everyone is safe with the storms. It sounds like you have been busy.
    Take care,

  10. Wow, that storm looks incredible. Happy Pink Saturday and best wishes w/your fencing, sounds like quite a chore!

  11. HI!!!
    Thanks for stopping by for a quick visit!!!
    WOW, we were suppose to get rain for 3 days, got a tiny little sprinkle one day and a bit more when we walked out of the movie theater!!!!
    Now just a cool spring day, only 70 yesterday!!!!
    I love your ranch and would love to see the fence building project!!!!!
    Happy Hammering!!!!

  12. By the time the front got this far south, it didn't rain. It was the wind that woke me up. It was so fierce! It blew over the chairs on our patio and woke me up with a start. Took awhile to fall back to sleep.

    I love the Spring, but the storms can be kinda scary. I'm glad that you are okay. Maybe a little sleepy, but okay.

    Thanks for stopping by!


  13. Looks like you had quite the storm there! My daughter lives in Waco and says it is the middle of nowhere having come down from metropolitan MD/DC area 3 years ago. I move around a lot and am back in NY and it is too cold here having moved just up from sunny and warm FL. Born and raised a country girl and I just do't seem to be able to take the country out of that girl! Stop by for a visit and clim your gift card! From Pink Saturdays...


  14. Oh, what a storm..., I'm afraid of thunder storms too!! Well of the lightening part, I've heard too many horror stories!

  15. Our weatherman predicted big storms for our area last night, but it was a 'no show'...and I was sure glad!
    There's two things I'm afraid of: Lightning and snakes. Your picture of the lightning is beautiful and frightening to me.
    Today is a gorgeous day here in south Texas.

  16. WOW! Those photo's are great. We lived in East Texas from 1982 to 1995.( Hallsville)

  17. Oh my I hear ya on the storms it has been wild weather all day! Hugs and Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. that picture of lightening got a great shot.
    I wanted to wish you luck with the planting and fence building. I would need those instructions to tell a crew how I wanted a fence built..
    that would be rough,but I know you can do it. Happy pinks..have a great weekend. Say hello to Mr. Tom T and his lady friends.. :)

  19. We had storms all last night and all day today too. Your photographs are wonderful!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  20. Wow Barbara, we are getting storms right now but nothing like that. I bet the goats were scared too. I would be scared. The lightening photo is amazing. I hope you took it through a window.

    I am trying to imagine you building fences, HA! All I can think of is the gorgeous and elegant tablescapes you share. Elegant women don't build fences. Except you! smile. I admire your ability to do the farm work. My Mom did work hard when we lived on our dairy farm and she was beautiful and elegant even leading a horse plowing the garden. She was a special person just like you.

    Pleas take care of yourself.
    Hugs and concern, Jeanne

  21. Hi Barbara, I just thought I'd drop by and say Hi! I also signed up to follow you so I can keep in touch better. :o)

    I wanted to let you know that I'm having a giveaway for Followers who leave comments this week. Hope everything is OK in your part of Texas!

  22. I think your area caught it bad. Ours was a scary storm, some hail, but unlike last year, it didn't ruin the roofs in our city. Our 90% were destroyed last year and only recently have the sound of roofing hammers/guns stopped being heard from dawn to dusk.

  23. I saw on the news that your area was having some terrible storms....guess we had tornadoes in parts of MO, too. I hope all is well with you!! Happy Pink Sat! Dana

  24. Amazing photo of the lightening. We had it too, but fortunately the hail didn't last long and no damage was done. Have a wonderful week!

  25. OH HAIL!!! Is that YOUR lightening picture??? WOW! We had big stuff move in (we are east of you) Fri night that caused some limb loss, looks like the folks east of us in LA and MS got the worst of it. I AM enjoying the cooler weather tho:) Stay safe...

  26. What beautiful photos! That was a big storm! My pets hate the noise from thunder too! I love coming over here! Have a great week!

  27. What a great blog! I'm a goat lover from way baaaaaack myself! :-)
