Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday Favorites at Happy to Design

sunday favorites

Chari at Happy to Design is hosting the 52nd. Sunday of Sunday Favorites and is having a tremendous giveaway.  Hurry over and check out all the participants and sign up for a chance to win!

Happy to Design Giveaway!

My very first !!!!!!!

Goats, Dogs, Cats, Ducks........

Hello, My name is Barbara and this is my first day!

Posted by Barbara at 4:36 AM 0 comments

This was my very first post in November of 2008 and it was a real step for me.  I have now posted 366 and have over 200 fantastic followers.    Life is good and blogging friends are the best.  

We finished one fence project yesterday 2000 feet of new fence and today we will begin another shorter one. 

Yesterday we had 3 workers and Roy, this afternoon, we will have one worker and Roy.

Why one the weekends?    This is when our young man can help out, he has another job during the week.  We can’t afford to hire him full time…….wish we could.

Have a Blessed and Happy Sunday and pray for the people in Mississippi that suffered and died from the tornados that struck their area.




  1. I'm sorry to hear fo your storm woes my dear!..,(I tried to visit you via your link on Chari's blog and it kept coming up as Chari's blog link instead)!..,

    ..,Happily I used the link on my own blog and popped here to visit your lovely blog, 'quick as a wink,just like that'!.., All the best to you my dear!

    Yes, I will pray for the dear folks of Mississippi;(where incidently my sister, her husband and three boys lived for a number fo years)!

    Hugs from Wanda Lee

  2. Oh my...what a we're experiencing tremendous heat cause of El Niño... anyways you've got lovely blog here and thanks for visiting mine too.
    have a great week!

  3. Barbara, I think I discovered your blog when you were pretty new!

    I know that fence work is hard but men seem to like it. It's a man thing. Right?

  4. G'morning Barb..
    Perfect way to start my Sunday,,
    a cup of yummy coffee and a visit with you..
    Have loved your blog from day one!
    I thank you for such encouragement when mine was just a newborn ..
    warmest hugs!

  5. Wow! more than 200 followers. My sister and I are pretty new at this ourselves but Im glad to see your post they are great. Keep up the good work.


  6. So nice of you to remember the tragedy in MS.

  7. Hi Barbara...

    My friend, I was just elated to have you join in with the fun of the Sunday Favorites "One Year" birthday celebration this weekend! Welcome!!! What a great post for Sunday Favorites...your very first post! Who would have known in the beginning that blogging would bring such bliss into our lives! Thank you for sharing this post with us! Boy, I know all about that fencing stuff. My Dad managed a very large cattle ranch in Texas for a number of years...fence repair took up alot of time!

    I also wanted to thank you for your sweet notes and well wishes...also for adding the giveaway button to your sidebar...I sure do appreciate that!!!

    Have a wonderful day and best wishes with the gift card giveaway!

    Chari @Happy To Design

  8. I'm still trying to get caught up with all of my friends here...just wanted to say hello. That is a lot of fence!

  9. Hi Barbara...Mississippi will survive because God will guide them...I feel Mississippi is a Christian place who know how to help each other out. I know many of our local churches have ministries who go there!!!
    PS...feel bad when you get that chandelier and I don't get one!!! :-)
    Thanks for the comment, I loved it!!!

  10. Hi, Barbara,
    I am thankful for friends like you that I have met via our blogs. It sounds like you all are very busy with the fences. Always work to be done, isn't there? Yes, I am praying for and thinking about all the folks hit with the horrible tornado. It will take them a while to put their lives back together. I hope you are having a happy week, my friend. Love and blessings~ Vicki

  11. well hey there, purple goat lady!!

    thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! i'm sooo happy to follow you right back to yours so i can get to know you!

    a fellow texan! woohoo!! well, i am definitely deep in the heart of texas ... just north of austin.

    though i've lived here all my life, i'm a city girl who knows nothing about fencing ... or ranching ... or farming ... or animals! believe it or not!

    but i love my bluebonnets, as i'm sure you do too!

    thanks again for visiting me, barbara! i'll be following your blog and will be back soon to read more!!

    terry lee

  12. We missed the storms here in the North. I remember your first time blogging, because I was new then, also. You have tons more followers than I do, but then, you post more than I! I remember at one time you wanted to quit blogging...glad that you didn't!

  13. Hi Barbara!!!
    I would love to see your feet and feet of Fencing!!!Love to see ranches and farms and nothing ebats a big fenced in area!!!Tell me is it WHITE or Black???just curious, you see both, so I always wonder what most people pick!!!!
    HAve a fun time this week end on your project as it gets finished up
    happy blogging for more years to come!!!

  14. Hi Barbara, you had me going for a minute. It didn't sink in that that was your first post. I started in May 2008. You have come a long way baby. I love your posts. I know I have said it before but it's true.

    Congrats on 366 posts. Also on the many feet of fence. It seems monumental to me. Perseverance pays off. I am glad you are able to get some help.

    I am praying for those who suffered terrible losses of life and property Barbara. How sad for them. How blessed that we are as well.

    If you can take a break from fencing, come over for a moment. My grandson is 13 today and I did a special post. He will be looking for comments. Just being a grandma!!!

    Thank you so much.
    Hugs, Jeanne
