The Nannies always seem to wait until it is cold, raining,sleeting or snowing to start having babies.
It is cold and has been raining and we now have 12 babies.
We got three rolls of hay and there is feed in the bulk feeder, so that is all we can do. I worry when I see those little babies out in the cold following their mothers, but Roy says that is how it has always been and they will be fine. I would like to bring them all in the house and keep them warm….lol.
Roy is headed to Llano to go hunting today and Sharon and I are headed to College Station to a new doctor for her and her very painful and long lasting sore or ulcer way down in her throat. We must find out what is wrong and how to cure it. She is suffering, unable to eat or sleep, and losing weight.
I am way behind in everything, Christmas, balancing check books, straightening Frou Frou house, taking food to charity, stuff to Goodwill, wrapping packages and mailing Christmas cards. I don’t even have a tablescape for tomorrow!
Hope to be back next Monday for Blue Monday or something……hope everyone has a wonderful end of week and a great weekend.