We are headed to Crystal Beach to spend the weekend with my brother and sister-in-law.
Happy Labor Day to All!

I have been looking for a house for about 6 months in hopes of moving closer to College Station or another larger city.
After trying to find an old home, I was not interested in a fixer-upper, I finally gave up and found this gorgeous home with 18 acres just 23 miles from College Station.
Roy has only seen the house on the virtual tour and has listened to my comments for hours. I will pick him up at the airport this afternoon and we will meet the realtors at 10:00 am tomorrow.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that he loves it like I do.
The address for the house is Caldwell, Texas.
Love, Barbara
My return to posting has been longer than I planned…..things get in our way, like…
What other color did you expect? I would like to say I was sky diving or on a ski trip in the Alps, but the truth is I was trying to shoot a coyote and my gun jammed and while I was trying to fix it, I backed up and step backwards off the concrete and fell. NOW what do they say not to do…put your arms down to break your fall…oh well.
I am also on the hunt for a new home…not new in construction, new in location. I started out looking for an old Victorian type home and soon found they are either cheap in need of years of repair or they are wonderful and in need of huge amounts of money. In my search, I found a fantastic newer home, location great, house beautiful and price where we wanted to be…..
I am waiting for Roy to come home Wednesday and go see my perfect house for us. He has taken the virtual tour and comment was “what do 2 people need with so much house?” I have lots of stuff!
You can see I have been busy, but there some other pictures from other Painted churches I wanted to show you.
This church had a locked iron grill door, so I had to take these pictures outside the grill……it is way out in the country and only has Mass on Sunday, you can understand why it is locked.
If you live in Texas or are visiting, I would suggest that you take a day to visit these wonderful old churches before they disappear.
Happy Labor Day!
Today is my husband’s birthday and we are off to Victoria, Texas to share this day with our son and daughter-in- law.
Tomorrow we are going to start toward home and visit the some of the Painted Churches, there are about 20 total, but we will probably see only about 6-7.
Several years ago I went with a group of ladies and would like to show you just one of these gorgeous churches. I will show more later.
This is St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Ammannsville, Texas.
It is hard to really see the total beauty of this magnificent church.
Hope one day some of you can visit these churches.
Will bring back pictures of the other churches we visit.
Have a great day!