The weather has been terrible and the traffic unbelievable. Friday was a lost day except we had a wonderful late lunch in a little community called Rescue, Va at Captain Chuck a Mucks. The people at the museum sent us the middle of no where, but great place and excellent seafood.
Yesterday, we went to Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson and even though it rained and rained, we just braved the weather and had a great time. On the way out we stopped at Michie's Tavern and toured the tavern and that was delightful, we did the Virginia reel and placed Shut the Box and a word game with dice. I got some beautiful dishes in the gift shop, can't wait to get home and show you. The connection where is so weak, I lose the signal occassionally.
Not sure what today holds, it is going to rain again.
Oh, yes....yesterday we bought a GPS to help get around the Williamsburg, Newport News, etc area. It is all like one large city and with the traffic, you better know where you are going.
Hopefully we will get to Washington via train one day after the rain stops which should be tomorrow.
We are also a little early for the changing of the leaves.
So Long from Rainy Va.