Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
This is Pilgrim, one of the dogs that guards our goats. Pilgrim came to the Bar H as a puppy. He had never been touched by a human until the day I bought him. He was raised in a pasture with his mother and father and a lot of goats.
They said in the goat books not to make a pet of your guard dog, so I listened well. I did put a collar on him shortly after he arrived and that was a fatal mistake, as he grew the collar didn't and we could not touch him. Finally the Vet had to shoot him with dart to put him temporarily down, so we could take off collar and treat his neck.
He has grown into a beautiful dog, but make no mistake the pasture and the goats belong to him. He has never bitten or attack anyone, but he does not want you in his pasture or around his goats. He will kill any animal that comes in his pasture....racoons, skunks, cycotes,possums, etc.
Pilgrim will live his life here and I guess when his time comes, he will die in his pasture with his goats and his Mary. Mary is the love of his life. But Mary is another story and another day.
Have great shopping day, if that is what you do, or just a great day period. We got a little rain last night and hopefully some more today.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, Karen and I went to Tyler, Texas to pick up some Greenberg turkeys for her company to give to customers. Her company also makes a donation to the Lord's Pantry that provides for the needy in our county. We bought cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter, jelly, etc., things they told us the were in desperate need of. Her company is also giving about 10 plus commercially processed deer to the Pantry.
Folks it is that time of year, each one of us can make a difference in the lives of another
My Bridge club is providing food and gifts for a less fortunate family in our area and the Bunko ladies are gathering food for the Pantry.
About 12 or so years ago, the Guadalupe River severely flooded the town of Cuero, where my husband grew up and his mother still lived. Her home was destroyed. He took several months off and went down to cleaned up the mess and fixed his mother another place to live. He said all the days he was down there, in the heat, the people who came with food and water everyday were the Salvation Army don't pass up their red kettles.
So from our house to yours......HAPPY THANKSGIVING!........and make it one for someone else by sharing all the blessing you have.
God Bless this Country!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Cake Balls

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
New Look!
I was on the road again Sunday, to Martha's Bloomers in Navasota for a early look at some of their Christmas designs and to have lunch in their Tea Room. They had some beautiful things and the lunch was delicious. If you haven't been there, it is worth the trip. There is also a great winery, Windy Hill Winery at Breham that has some great wines.
I found some old jewelry in a box in my "fru fru" house and I think I will put it for sale on EBay.
This will be another new experience for me. I never dreamed the day my friend Sharon told me about blogging, that 2 or 3 weeks later, I would be so involved. I love it.
Anyone needing a bag or several hundred bags of leaves are certainly welcome to come and get them and the very best thing is that they are free, I will even furnish the bags.
Well, I need to get busy around here and do a little ironing.
Before I go, I would like to ask everyone to say a prayer for our country, we can use a little help.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Nutcracker Market
I went Friday to Houston to the Nutcracker Market and was over-whelmed by the merchandise and the number of people in attendance at 10:05 am.
What a fabulous market these ladies and gentlemen put together. It was well organized and there were people there to help you with any questions. What they couldn't control was the tremendous number of people who came to shop, and shop, and shop.
I was extremely please to find Tina of Cherry Hill Cottage and see all the things they had to sell. I bought several things......and so were hunderds (it seemed like) of other people. It was a beautiful booth. Tina took time to talk with me for a few minutes. Now I have a real person to go with the blog.
I also purchased a Mary Frances purse, I carried her bags in my stores and simply love them, so I was thrilled to see Robin Clayton Designs, they carry more Mary Frances bags than anyone else in the country. I got a cute one with animal print ruffles, will try to post picture.
The BEST NEWS is Amber at The Shabee Chick Designs is doing a total makeover on my very pitful attempt to design a blog. I hope lots of folks will visit me. I am really wanting to meet people and have lots of blogging friends.
Blogging is very new to me, so I hope you will all be patient and not come once and never return.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Not Perfect but will do!
I will continue to work on my blog's appearance. I hope you can tell I like purple, in fact my husband says he lives in Barney's Belly. We have about 40+ goats at the present time, but will be heading to the auction within a month or two. We have too many males and plan on buying some addition nannies.
Most people believe raising goats is just putting them in a pasture and forgetting them until time for market, well folks that is far,far from the truth. They have worms, pink eye and other problems, so I check my goats everyday and spend time in the pasture learning about each goat.
There is nothing cuter than a baby goat and nothing sweeter. I will include some pictures shortly.
Well that is your lesson for today........Goats 101. Tune in for the next episode and please let me hear from you.